Newborn Photography is a unique art in itself, but it is also very different from any other genre because of, well, the newborns. A brand new baby is so tiny, so delicate, so extra special because of how new they are. They are squishy, and bendy, and (mostly) super sleepy. Posing a newborn is a balance between learning their unique physiology and listening to the cues they give us. As the genre of newborn photography developed, a collection of standard poses were created. These poses showcase your baby's features and capture how tiny and squishy they are. They are also the cutest thing you've ever seen. Almost all of the poses in newborn photography are meant for the very new, sleepy babies. Generally, they are captured within the first 2 weeks, when most newborns spend the majority of their time sleeping. As a professionally trained newborn photographer, I have a number of skills and techniques to help your baby stay sleepy and comfortable during their session. But you can help too! Here are a few things you can do prior to your newborn session with Kendra Paige Photography that set your baby up for a soothing experience.
Avoid Food Stimulants ~ I'll leave it up to you to research and decide whether certain foods can cause discomfort in your baby. However, as a general guideline, avoiding caffeine can reduce the chance of your baby feeling like having a party during their session. The list of foods people suggest cause gas in babies is practically endless, so I won't list them here. For some research based info, I love
Stay Awake ~ I know. Trust me, I know. This is kind of an absurd task for a newborn. Honestly, just do your best. As long as your baby doesn't indulge in an extra long, 6 hour nap before you come to Kendra Paige Photography, they should be able to get to sleep for their session. You definitely don't need to force your baby to stay awake for hours. Pretty much every baby ends up sleeping for some of their posing.
Bath Time ~ Having a bath is a great way to keep your baby stimulated and awake. Plus, you can get them all washed up and ready for their first professional photography session. This is not mandatory, and if you are choosing to delay full on baths for a bit, it's totally okay. Give them a little wash up with a warm cloth. Or, how about a baby massage with your favorite baby lotion?
Side note: If your baby has enough of it, bring their brush or comb so I can keep their hair looking on point.
Feed Them Up Full ~ This is pretty essential. Please do not hesitate to give your baby a full feeding before their newborn session. The goal is to start the session when they are in that "milk drunk" state. Now, this doesn't mean you need to over fill them. We still want them to be comfortable and over feeding can cause gas and reflux. So feed your baby whatever their full feeding is and be prepared to feed them 2 or 3 more times at the studio.
Dress Easy ~ Kendra Paige Photography is a full service newborn studio. I have everything. Your newborn session includes all outfits, wraps, and accessories. Since the goal is to keep your baby nice and sleepy, clothing that can come off with little disturbance is helpful. A one piece, zip up sleeper is the easiest to remove without too much fuss. If it is a chilly day, please choose layers that can be removed easily. Please don't put a onesie under the sleeper.
Nothing about working with newborns is a sure thing. However, these steps are tried and tested by many professional newborn photographers. Remember, even if you follow all these steps, your baby still might not be super sleepy or content the day of your session. I have years of experience, working with hundreds of newborns and the main variant is the baby themself. Your baby will be the boss and my sessions are designed to accommodate their varying needs. Also, you're doing great ;)